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Tax Collector FAQs

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What is the Billing Process?

The Town of Warren bills twice each year. The first bill of the year is a partial payment, based on one-half of the previous year's tax (unless the assessor has ascertained that a property has physically changed in valuation). In that case, the current year's appraisal will be used.

The tax rate is set in the fall of the year by the Department of Revenue. Tax Bills are printed and mailed in the middle to end of October, they are usually due in December each year. Interest at 8% per annum is charged on tax bills not paid by the due dates. In that we need to ensure adequate time for bills to be received and have a minimum 30-day window for the due date, the second billing due date fluctuates, as we are beholden to the DRA in their setting of our tax rate.

Do we have your correct mailing address? Pursuant to NH law, bills are sent to the last known owner at the last known mailing address. The selectmen update the Town's records according to transfer information received from the Grafton County Registry of Deeds. Often the owner's address on the deed is incorrect as it contains the address prior to moving to the new property. Please be reminded that the post office will only forward mail for one year. It is your responsibility as the owner to advise us of your mailing address in writing. If you do not receive your bill in June and November, please give us a call.

The tax rate indicated on the July tax bill is half of the previous year’s tax rate, based on the total assessment at the time. This tax bill is printed and mailed out near the end of May, and due on July 1st (or the next business day if July 1st falls on a weekend).

How are the amounts due calculated?

Once the Department of Revenue sets our tax rate, your total tax for the year is calculated by taking your total assessed value against the new tax rate (per thousand). The amounts paid in July are deducted, and that is how your second bill amount is determined.

What is the Tax Year?

The property tax year runs from April 1 through March 31. Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your property on April 1 of each tax year.

How can I pay my bill?

Payments can be mailed to P.O. Box 66, Warren, NH 03279.
Payments can be placed in the overnight box to the left of the front entry doors at the Municipal Building. Please deposit checks or money orders only - no cash.
Payments can be made in person at the Tax Collector's Office, 8 Water Street, Warren, NH. Office hours are Thursdays 4 pm to 6 pm. We do not accept credit/debit card payments over the counter or over the telephone.
Online payments can be made by credit/debit card or electronic check online. There is a 2.95% convenience fee for credit/debit cards with a $1.95 minimum charge and $0.95 for electronic checks. The fee will be disclosed prior to your authorization to finalize the transaction.