General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 603-764-9296
Emergencies: Dial 911
8 Water Street

Property Taxes

General Information

The Tax Collector has the responsibility of collecting property, yield (gravel & timber), and current use change taxes.  Property tax bills are due semi-annually, in July and December.  The 1st issue Property tax bills are due in the first week of July.  (Note: 1st issue property tax bill amounts are an ‘estimate only’ and are based on one-half of the total prior-year property tax amount.)

The 2nd Issue Property Tax Bills will be due no earlier than December 1st. The final tax rate is set by the State in the fall based on voter-approved budgets of Town, School, County and State Education requirements, and factoring in other tax-related funding sources.


If you want a receipt for payment, please bring or mail the entire bill with a self-addressed stamped envelope. The bill will be marked paid (for the amount you submitted) and returned to you.

Escrow Accounts

If your taxes are in escrow, it is your responsibility to send a copy of your tax bill to your mortgage company, and to ensure payment
. The Tax Collector does not automatically send tax bills to mortgage companies.
Assessing, Abatements, Current Use, Credits, Exemptions & Tax Appeals

By law, the Tax Collector does not have any role in assessing or levying taxes. If you have any questions on assessing, current use, “Intent to Cut” forms, gravel excavation fees, elderly exemptions/deferrals, abatements and/or appeals, please contact the Town Administrator.